Thursday, 20 October 2011

LET'S ZUMBA!!!!!!!

I like to stay fit. Mainly because I am getting old and I like to date women that are way hotter than me. But at the top of that list is my borderline gay obsession with myself. I am strangely proud of my body.
ZUMBA is the latest craze in exercise and it combines two of my least favourite things.

Music comprised entirely of wind instruments and people in leotards dancing in unicity.

But I can understand why people make the effort every week and head down to their local community centre to exercise to marching music.
My friends and I used to do the same thing in our twenties.
But instead of the local community centre we used to head down to a club with a belly full of drain cleaner to dance the night away.
To be fair we always made sure we were properly hydrated.
And we looked great. I used to do my laundry on my abs.
So this blog is dedicated to those brave instructors who offer unfit people hope for a better tomorrow. This one’s for you.

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